====== Baptist.Wiki ====== Welcome to the Baptist.Wiki. This is a new site and there's much to do. For now, it will be a place to host notes and content, and a place to share links and resources about particular topics. Lord willing this will expand over the coming years into a well populated website. ====== About Us ====== Baptist.wiki is our primary website. Baptistlibrary.net contains an online library (with Spanish and Russian books made with machine translation) that is free to browse. However, due to the large number of documents (about a thousand...and growing) its not very easy for the casual user to navigate. That's where this site come in. Here, we want to provide an easy to use interface for finding what we consider the most useful resources and texts. Our beliefs are outlined rather well in the Philadelphia Confession of faith. The values expressed therein, we believe, are those taught in the Bible, and the ones we strive to uphold and support. ===== How-To ===== There's a lot of features on baptistlibrary.net that deserve an explanation. Check out our [[wiki:How-To|How-To]] guide. ===== Recommended Study Resources ===== * Our Commentaries page: [[wiki:Commentaries|Commentaries]] * Online Library Access: [[https://baptistlibrary.net]] * [[wiki:resources:topics|Topical Index of Select Resources]] * [[wiki:resources:links|Recommended Websites]] ===== Software and Apps ===== * [[wiki:study_tools|Study Tools and Software]] * [[wiki:advancedtopics:libraries|Advanced Topics]] * [[wiki:advancedtopics:communication|Communication Tools]] ===== Support/Donations ===== Donations are appreciated: this wiki, the underlying software, and the server itself is a product of weeks spent on deployment, in addition to the time needed to edit and reformat books for online publication on the library. Server management is not for the faint of heart, and this entire project is managed by me. You can donate to the project at [[https://buymeacoffee.com/horseguy]] You can also contact me through XMPP (Jabber). My ID is baptistlibrary (at) yax.im